London Beekeepers' Association


The London Beekeepers' Association (LBKA) is a volunteer-run members' organisation and Registered Charity that represents the interests of beekeepers and urban beekeeping in the central London area (see neighbouring associations). We provide education and advice, promoting responsible bee keeping and raising awareness of the issues affecting bees.

If you live in London and already keep bees, intend to do so or are simply interested in this fascinating hobby, LBKA is the association for you. Even if you don't keep bees, joining us will help support our cause, our campaigns and education programmes.

Booking is open for our Introduction to Beekeeping course.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram.

Join us for member benefits and to support us.

All welcome to many of our events.

Find out how to plant for pollinators.

Read our recent newsletters.

Download our new glossy leaflets.

Help slow the progress of the Asian Hornet.

What's happening in March

This event is organised by LBKA.Sunday 9th March 2025: Monthly meeting: Swarm collection.
11:00-13:00 at The Foundry,17 Oval Way SE11 5RR
BBKA recommends that associations offer education regarding swarm collection. This is to ensure that bee keepers have the knowledge to do this safely. You will need to attend to go onto the swarm list.
Meetings are for members only but you're welcome to come to find out what we're about.

[full list]

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©2025 London Beekeepers' Association
Registered Charity Number 1165736