London Beekeepers' Association


Conduct: committee

This Code sets out the standards of behaviour expected of LBKA committee members. The Code incorporates the Nolan principles of standards in public life. It aims to ensure that all observe the highest standards of propriety and act in the best interests of the LBKA and its members at all times.


Committee members must treat each other, and others they come into contact with when working in their role, with respect and courtesy at all times.


Committee members must devote sufficient time preparing for and attending meetings to ensure they add value to the committee's work.

No personal benefit

Committee members must not benefit from their position beyond what is allowed by prior agreement of the committee. Committee members should take decisions solely in terms of the LBKA's interest. Committee members should not use their position in order to gain financial or other material benefits exclusively for themselves, their family, their friends or other committee members.

Conflicts of interest

Committee members should identify and promptly declare any actual, potential or perceived conflicts affecting them. They must absent themselves from any discussion where there is any such conflict.

All Committee Members, or candidates for LBKA Office, should make full declaration of any commercial beekeeping activities in the London area (selling products from hives which belong to them excepted).


Committee members must comply with any rules agreed by the committee including those relating to the acceptance of gifts and hospitality and the avoidance of activities which might compromise the LBKA's position and public standing. For avoidance of doubt, the acceptance of gifts, hospitality or donations that benefit the individual rather than LBKA, may be treated as being acceptance of a bribe, and may result in Charity Commission and/or Police action.

Openness and accountability

Committee members must be open, responsive and accountable to each other, LBKA members and other stakeholders about their decisions, actions and work, including their use of the LBKA name and resources.

Committee members are accountable for their decisions and actions to the committee and the LBKA membership and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their position.


Committee members must respect the status of confidential issues they read and discuss. They are bound to maintain the status of this material and any discussions.


Committee members are required to use their knowledge, expertise and experience to take the best decisions they can in the interests of the LBKA. They are equally responsible for all decisions of the committee. Committee members should also promote and support the principles of good governance by leadership and example and should act in an individual capacity and not as a representative of any group, organisation or individual.

Basic Expectation of LBKA committee members

  1. Strive to attend all meetings (one per month), sending apologies to the chair for necessary absences.
  2. Prepare for the meeting by reading the agenda, papers and any emails before the meeting.
  3. Talk to the chair before the meeting if you need to clarify anything.
  4. Arrive on time. Stay to the end.
  5. Participate fully in the meeting;
    1. Listen to what others have to say and keep an open mind.
    2. Contribute positively to the discussions.
    3. Try to be concise and avoid soliloquies.
  6. Help others concentrate on the meeting. Discourage side conversations.
  7. Have the best interests of the organisation/beneficiaries in mind at all times
  8. Draw attention to any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the meeting.
  9. Fulfil any responsibilities assigned to you at the meeting and be prepared to report back on your progress at the next meeting.
  10. Sub-committee leaders, or their designated deputy, will deliver a monthly report to the committee.

Procedures in case of breach of code

The Committee may, by majority vote, terminate the membership of any committee member for breach of the Code of Conduct. The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.

©2025 London Beekeepers' Association
Registered Charity Number 1165736